Typical applications include bull screen rejects processing through a ½” or ¾” rectangular holed screen.
When the secondary grinding involves bull screen rejects in the harsh papermaking environment, the Montgomery Bull Screen Rechipper comes prepared for the job.
In addition to the aggressive cut and wear liners in the cutting chamber, the bearings are sealed, hose bibs are provided for flushing, stainless steel is welded to the rings and the housing is covered in a special anti-corrosion epoxy.
For the ultimate in corrosion resistance, the housing, wear liners, hardware, rings, teeth and screen can all be manufactured out of stainless steel.
Typical applications include chips and shavings.
The rechipper is a modified HD hog with a more aggressive cut, hardsurfaced ring lugs and abrasion resistant wear lines in the cutting chamber.
The HD series uses HD-GM rings with an 18-3/4” cutting circle and a steel flywheel for stored rotational energy to power through momentary surge loads.
The discharge material can typically be conveyed up to 100 feet into a cyclone, truck, or open field using the #40, #50 or #60 Integral Fan.
Typical applications include chips and shavings.
The rechipper is a modified HD hog with a more aggressive cut, hardsurfaced ring lugs and abrasion resistant wear lines in the cutting chamber.
The HD series uses HD-GM rings with an 18-3/4” cutting circle and a steel flywheel for stored rotational energy to power through momentary surge loads.
Gravity discharge of material out of an opening in the base plate of the hog.